Online play is more important than ever for tabletop roleplaying games, and while Scratchpad Publishing will always be excited to create games that support quick, off-the-shelf play around a table, we also know that many of you have been looking for more tools to help you play Dusk City Outlaws and Spectaculars online. You can now add a 100AC System Dice bot to your Discord server, which uses a series a simple commands to let you roll the percentile dice, advantage dice, and challenge dice used by these two systems.
“Just a quick heads-up: I coded this dice bot myself, and it’s my first Discord bot (and first time scripting in Python, for that matter). There’s a high likelihood that you’ll run into some bugs when using it. Sorry about that! If you do, you can visit the Contact section of this site and send me a message and I’ll try to correct the bugs as quickly as possible. Thanks for your patience!”
The commands for this dice bot are simple. With the !roll command, you can roll basic percentile dice. By adding certain arguments to your chat message, you can further modify the roll:
adding -t ## (where ## is your chance of success on the roll) will automatically determine success or failure
adding a, aa, aaa, or aaaa to the message adds that many advantage dice to the roll; you can also use #a, where # is replaced by the number of advantage dice you wish to roll
adding c, cc, ccc, or cccc to the message adds that many challenge dice to the roll; you can also use #c, where # is replaced by the number of challenge dice you wish to roll
adding -p will remove the percentile die roll, instead only rolling any advantage or challenge dice you included
You can add any of the above arguments in any combination to make a roll include exactly the dice you need
An example of the 100AC System Dice Bot in Action
If you ever need to see these commands in Discord, the !help command will cause the bot to print the basics of these commands for you.
You will need server manager permissions to add the 100AC System Dice Bot to your Discord server. If you don’t have your own Discord server, but want to see how it works, you can join the Scratchpad Publishing Discord server and experiment with the bot there.